Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hiking, day 47: Zapata Falls & Great Sand Dunes Park

My main focus today was Great Sand Dunes Park, but on the way was Zapata Falls.  I almost passed it by because of the warnings about the road; it was definitely one of the more poorly maintained graveled roads I've been on recently.  But, if my tiny car can make it up there, so can yours - just take your time.

After parking, the trail up to the falls is quick - here's the view right before heading over the hill down to the river leading towards the falls.

The last twenty feet or so to the falls requires wading into the creek. Even at this late in the summer and early fall, the water was pretty cold! So while you can ignore the warnings about the road to the trail head, definitely bring a pair of water/old shoes and a change of socks.

After going around the bend, you enter into the almost-cave to see the falls!

(A look back at the entrance to the falls.)

Another close-up of the falls.

A view from the top of the trail on the way down.  Below the mountains in the distance, you can see a hint of the sand dunes.

A closer view.

After leaving Zapata, I headed into the Great Sand Dunes Park.  Here's a panorama from the back porch of the visitors center.

And finally, my walk out onto the dunes.

My panaromas and 360 shots from the top of the third ridge I climbed.  I'm about half way up to the top at this point, but since I had already done one hike earlier in the day I didn't push myself to the top.  Still, a really great trip - and, I would recommend bringing a snow or body board to visitors for sand surfing, especially in this mild September weather.

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