Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

Hiking, day 22: Golden Ponds

I'm recovering from a short fight with a stomach bug, so I took it a bit easy today and just enjoyed the cloud cover in Longmont.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hiking, day 20: Hall Ranch

I've decided to extend my daily hiking time - so I finally made it to the top of the trail at Hall Ranch in Lyons CO today.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hiking, day 19: Sandstone Ranch

I headed to a new place today in Longmont CO; in spite of being on the plains, there are a few trails that meander through the old sandstone deposits​ towards the river. You can also see the fossilized shells in the rock along the trail.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Hiking, day 18: Rabbit Mountain

Rabbit Mountain is one of the newest trailheads I've found lately in Lyons, CO; lots of trails to explore, and great views looking out over northern Boulder county.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Hiking, day 17: Golden Ponds

Took a bit of a slower pace in town today now that I'm back at altitude, but still loving the views.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Final Destination: Home.

We ended up getting stuck in Fort Lauderdale on the way home, but finally made it back to Colorado.  In the meantime, I snapped this great photo of Saint Louis before we landed on our layover:

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hiking, day 16: Crane Point

Crane Point is a hidden star in Marathon. Right next to our cottage, we enjoyed a great hike through the park and museum.

The Adderley House is on the grounds of the park, and is one of the oldest buildings in the Middle Keys:

We finally made it to the point, and enjoyed some excellent views:

I have no idea what kind of flowering tree this is - it looked like something from another planet.

Some interesting artifacts in the museum:

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Hiking, day 15: Bahia Honda Key

We got up early and headed to Bahia Honda State Park and I finally got a bit of snorkeling in, as well as a good hike.  Really lovely place.

Part of the old train bridge is still accessible to walk up to get some great views.

In addition to the motel cat, we got to meet Corky Simpson - the Rocker Spaniel - who was also staying at the Cottages!


In addition to my regular photos, I also got to use my new underwater camera while I was snorkeling! The water was still pretty stirred up because of the wind, but here's a few good shots I got: