Monday, August 21, 2017

Total Solar Eclipse - Lusk, WY

Our great plan for our vacation was based around the idea that it'd be way easier to get to Wyoming for the solar eclipse from the north, rather than driving up from Colorado. Our plan worked great, and we arrived in Lusk in plenty of time to get a great parking spot to witness the total eclipse.  (We still got stuck in 9.5 hours of traffic to get BACK to Colorado, but let's not talk about that.)

A few shots from the road in South Dakota and Wyoming:

My camera phone didn't really do this view justice (as it came out a bit lighter than it actually was), but this is a shot of the darkness during the total eclipse.  You could see the dawn-like horizon all around during the period of totality, and the sky was dark enough to see many stars and planets.  There was a notable temperature drop as well - I started wearing just a tank top that day, but ended up putting on a jacket half-way through.

Again, a blurry shot from my phone, but this was during the total eclipse.  Seeing the suns corona first-hand was absolutely breath-taking.  Well worth the trip!

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