Thursday, April 11, 2019

Hiking, day 11: Innere Stadt

We headed to the city center for some of the more traditional stops. We didn't do a lot of the 'paid' museums or tours because they were all rather expensive, but we did make an exception for Stephensplatz - and for the catacombs below the church.

(Unfortunately, they don't allow photography in the catacombs, but it was a really interesting tour - especially the room with the bones and skulls lining the walls!)

We wandered around some more, taking more photos of the architecture and statues in the area.

Finally, after dinner, we headed to the local metal bar!

Really fun place - when we entered it was just us and the owner, who was very friendly and chatted with us for a while.  Great place to listen to a variety of metal genres and have a few cheap beers!

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