Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hiking, day 10: Two Step

We were up early because we planned on going on a surfing / snorkeling trip with some of our friends. A little after 8am, we got an emergency text informing us that a ballistic missile was incoming, and for us to seek shelter.  It was a tense few minutes in the hotel lobby, while we waited for news, and eventually got the all clear.

After the scare in the morning, it was nice to spend some time on a black sand beach and relax.

After spending a few hours at the surf spot, we headed over to Two Step for more snorkeling.  Unfortunately, my underwater camera batteries had died at this point.


Two Step is right next to Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park, so we spent a few minutes exploring the park after we were done snorkeling.

An ancient Hawaiian board game.

These are shots from the sanctuary village - when someone had committed a crime that would result in the death penalty, if that person could reach a sanctuary safely, they could spend time there as a period of atonement, and then return home.

Another sea turtle.

We headed back towards Kona, but made a stop at "The End of the World" to watch the sunset.

The cliff side at End of the World is about 60' high, but the waves were crashing even higher. It was truly spectacular.

After sunset we headed over to Kona Brewing for dinner, and I had to snap a picture of this incredible mural on a nearby building.

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